How to Edit your Profile

Setting Up Your Profile


1. Click Settings in the Help Corner Bar.



2. Add another e-mail address or a text messaging number in the widget on the right.



3. Web Services - This allows you to connect your Canvas account to other web tools. We will use Google Drive for the purposes of this course.

  • Google Drive (online office suite for collaboration)
  • Skype (audio/video calling)
  • LinkedIn (professional profile/social networking)
  • Twitter (microblogging/instant messaging/social networking)
  • Delicious (online bookmarking and sharing)
  • Diigo (online bookmarking, annotating, and sharing)




Click on the Google Drive button. A popup window will appear to authorize your account.



You will be prompted to login to your Gmail account. If you have a SBAC Gmail account ending in, use that account.

Add Google Drive to your settings now.