Unit 6: Geography and Survival Skills

UNIT OBJECTIVE: In this unit, you will learn the fundamentals of geography, how to use a map, and how to be aware of the environment surrounding you. In addition, you will learn how to survive should you become stranded in a variety of environments.             

LESSON TOPIC: Unit 6 Chapter 1 Geography, Map Skills, and Environmental Awareness.           

LESSON TOPIC OBJECTIVE (S):                                                 

-Identify the components of a globe.

-Explain the characteristics of topographic maps.

-Use the Grid Reference System to locate points anywhere in the world.

-Use terrain features to orient a map and determine your location.

-Measure distance using maps.

-Calculate direction on topographic maps.

-Use a compass and grid to locate a position on a topographical map.

-Apply map reading and land navigation skills to determine location.

-Relate map-reading skills to orienteering.

UNIT TITLE:  6.0 Geography and Survival Skills  


LESSON TOPIC: Unit 6 Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Survival.        

LESSON TOPIC OBJECTIVE (S):                                                 

-Explain the fundamentals of survival.

-Describe how to survive in tropical areas.

-Describe how to survive in cold areas.

-Describe how to survive in water.