Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Today's Assignment
Rockets, a change of schedule. Today you will take your practice FSA writing test.
Today's Assignment Unit 3 Week 1
- DOL: Grammar Packet
- Text Structure Packet
- Reading homework
- Reading language: central idea, text structure/features, context clues, figurative language, summarize, relevant details
- Mini Lesson 15
- Focus: Discuss the Blue Print
- Teacher read aloud p.48
- Students complete week 1 questions p.iv in their reading text.
- Students select who they would like to interview, Madison/Johnson and write questions.
Comprehension Check Activity Sheet: "Why is Washington D.C. Our Capital?" And "Missouri's Cave"
- "Civil Rights-Martin Luther King"
- Gathering info from the text to write para 2 (using a planning sheet)
Reminders for writing a hook
- Ask a question state a fact
- Use a scenario
- A. Picture this
B. Imagine this
- Use statistics
- Onomatopoeia
- Exclamation sentence
- Flashback
- "Civil Rights-Martin Luther King"
- Gather info to write para 2 (using a planning sheet)
Reminders for writing a hook
- Ask a question state a fact
- Use a scenario
- A. Picture this
Homework Assignment
- "Emergency on The Mountain" (Read text only)