Monday, August 23, 2021

Today's Assignments, Day 10


1. Smooth Transitions (Review)

  • Ask yourself questions during reading. (What good readers do)

2. Read selected book

  • What kinds of questions does this picture make you want to ask?
  • Right there and think questions?
  • Old Woman, Wise Woman, Powerful Woman: The Beauty of Aging | HuffPost Life



3. Word study: Adverb Suffixes

EX: Happily Happy (adjective) happily (adverb)

  • ly (certain way), ily (result from being...), ways (show direction), wise (in relation to)

  • You try: sleepily otherwise gloomy always clockwise someways wildly

5. Independent Reading 

  • Write a question about the story you are reading. Then answer it with evidence from the text.

6. Review rotating to stations