Universal Design for Learning in Remote Course Design
Big Ideas
What does UDL look like in a remote or online course?
- Multiple Means of Representation in a remote environment
- Multiple Means of Action and Expression in a remote environment
- Multiple Means of Engagement in a remote environment
It is sometimes common to rely on the tools and resources we know how to use. One way to engage students and to keep best practices in mind, is to vary the way we provide material to our students, the way they interact with that material, and how they show us their learning progress. Too much of anything can become mundane, even if all of the YouTube videos we provide or the lectures we make are high energy, amazing materials if we rely on only those, we miss a great opportunity to connect students with the material and for them to show us their abilities.
Reconsidering the three parts of UDL for our remote courses, we can see some examples of:
- Multiple Means of Representation
- Providing lectures in different formats - audio, video, and text
- Provide instructions in different formats - audio, video, and text
- Multiple Means of Action and Expression
- Create different styles of assignments - quizzes, exams, essays, projects, discussions
- Differentiate grading between the different styles of assignments
- Provide rubrics and resources for students to complete assignments
- Multiple Means of Engagement
- Challenge students to think critically and to engage more deeply with the material
- Create student spaces for collaboration and community - create groups on Canvas
- Provide different types of feedback to students - audio, video, and text
Additional Resources
Explore the individual Checkpoints that interest you in each of the links below for ideas on how to provide multiple forms of Representations, Action and Expression, and Engagement.
- Scroll down to the Guidelines and Checkpoints and read two or three that interest you - Representation - Guidelines and Checkpoints
- Scroll down to the Guidelines and Checkpoints and read two or three that interest you - Action and Expression - Guidelines and Checkpoints
- Scroll down to the Guidelines and Checkpoints and read two or three that interest you - Engagement - Guidelines and Checkpoints