Multiple Means for Action and Expression

The "How" of Learning

Multiple means for action and expression are necessary to address the variances in the ways students express their knowledge, and the ways they move through a learning environment. 

Multiple means for action and expression address the how of learning, activating the strategic networks in our brains. This area of the brain controls our planning, performing, and organizing functions as well as how we express ideas.

Students with physical impairments and students who struggle with organizational abilities will approach learning tasks differently. Some students may express themselves well through writing, while others are more comfortable responding orally. 

Students should have access to 

There isn't one means of action and expression that works for all learners, so providing options is crucial to student success.


UDL Guidelines for Providing Multiple Means for Action and Expression

Physical Action
  • Vary methods for response & navigation
  • Optimize access to tools and assistive technology
Expression & Communication
  • Use multiple media for communication
  • Use multiple tools for construction & composition
Executive Functions
  • Guide appropriate goal setting
  • Support planning and strategy development
  • Facilitate managing information & resources 
  • Enhance capacity for monitoring progress




To read about Multiple Means of Action and Expression and how you can adapt your course content, please visit the UDL Guidelines page at


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