103 Alexander the Great - MON
- Due Apr 1, 2021 by 11:59pm
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- Available Mar 29, 2021 at 12am - Apr 11, 2021 at 11:59pm
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103 Alexander the Great
- __________________ was a large kingdom to the north of Greece.
- In 359 B.C., ___________ became king and began taking over the Greek city-states that were weakened by the _3. _____________________________.
Although they fought back, they could not stop the invasion and in 338 B.C., the Macedonians defeated the Greeks at the Battle of _4. _________________ and thus, controlled most of Greece.
In 336 B.C., Philip II was murdered and his son _5. ____________________ ____ took over the throne.
Alexander’s goal was, like his daddy’s, to conquer the __6. ____________________ _____ Empire.
In 331 BCE, Alexander’s armies defeated the Persian armies at the Battles of 7. ___________________ _.
He founded the city of _8. ___________________ ___ in Egypt, which became one of the most important cities of the ancient world.
When Alexander died in 323 B.C. his empire stretched from _9 __________________ and _10. __________________ to modern day _11. ______________________ ___________.
His conquests began the _12__________________ Era, when Greek language and culture spread to non-Greek people of Asia.
Alexander had made his way to India, then stopped to return home because, after 11 years of conquering, his troops_13._ ______________________________________________________.