102 Ancient Greek Bingo - THU
- Due Mar 22, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
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- Available Mar 18, 2021 at 12am - Apr 10, 2021 at 11:59pm
Directions: Choose any 24 words from the list below to place on your bingo card. Good Luck!
Minoans Monotheistic Helot Hellenistic
Mycenaeans Aegean Sea Parthenon Herodotus
Sparta Olympics Agora
Athens Odyssey Pericles Persian Wars
Democracy Monarchy Zeus
Acropolis Oligarchy Alliance Poseidon
Polis Tyrant Hera
City-state Alexander the Great Ares
Comedy Conquests Apollo
Polytheistic Philosopher Oracle
Minoans- The first major civilization of Greece was formed by this group on the island of Crete.
Mycenaeans- This group was one of the first to settle on the mainland of Greece. They became strong and eventually took over the Minoans on Crete.
Sparta- A military-like city-state in which physical fitness flourished and war was common. Everyone was to be treated the same in this city-state.
Athens- A Greek city-state that was known for promoting culture, education, and free-thinking. Democracy began here.
Democracy- Government by the people. Athens was the first to have this.
Acropolis- Beautiful temples on a hill that were used as a center for government affairs, religious worship, and cultural ideas.
Polis- The Greek term for a city-state.
City-state- These were independent and governed themselves. Each one included a city and the territory surrounding the city. Greece was made up of these.
Polytheistic- The Greeks believed in many gods and were therefore _____________.
Monotheistic- The Greeks believed in hundreds and hundreds of gods, they are not ___________.
Aegean Sea- This body of water surrounds most of Greece.
Olympics- These began in 776 b.c. It was open to all Greek men and all wars stopped in order for this competition to occur.
Odyssey- A classic Greek tale that tells the adventures of a man travelling home to Greece after the Trojan Wars.
Monarchy- Before the Dark Ages, the Greeks were ruled by kings. This is called a ___________.
Oligarchy- A system of government ruled by a few people (usually wealthy). In Greece, oligarchies improved the government of some city-states.
Tyrant- This is what Greeks called a leader who took power of a city-state by force. Many people supported them because they promised change and help to the poor.
Comedy- Greece was known for festivals that showcased writers! Some wrote these, which were funny plays.
Philosopher- A person who searches for the truth and meaning of life.
Helot- Slaves of Sparta who farmed land. They earned some of the crops they grew as pay and gave the rest to the owner.
Parthenon- A famous acropolis dedicated to Athena.
Agora- a marketplace, usually located near the acropolis, where ideas and items were discussed/sold.
Pericles- He had 3 goals for Athens: protect it with military, make it beautiful, and strengthen democracy!
Alliance- an agreement between groups of people; Athens formed one of these after the Persian wars, but eventually took over the group instead and forced many to stay in the alliance by force.
Alexander the Great- From Macedonia; he defeated the Greeks in 338 b.c. and spread Greek culture as far as Egypt and India!
Conquests- Alexander the Great was known for many of these. It means victory by force over other peoples.
Oracle- Many war generals in Athens went to see this person at Delphi for advice. This person was said to be able to communicate with the gods.
Hellenistic- This term means “Greek-like”.
Herodotus- He is called the “father of history”. He is known for being one of the first to write factual details about a past event. He told of the Persian Wars.
Persian Wars- Athens and Sparta set their differences aside and teamed up to fight this Mesopotamian group in the 490s b.c.
Zeus- Head of the gods; set standards for justice! He made sure humans and gods followed these standards.
Poseidon- Zeus’ brother; god of the sea
Hera- Zeus’ wife; the goddess of marriage
Ares- Zeus’ son; the god of war
Apollo- god of light and health