Chapter 1: Overview, Outline, and To Do List


Chapter one focuses on the reasons why we explore history. We will explore the roles of a historian and how they utilize primary and secondary sources as well as inferencing skills to understand historical events. Historians also use diagrams and timelines as tools to organize their thoughts. 

Essential Questions:

Why do we study history?

How does geography influence the way we live?


SS.8.A.1.2: Use the research and inquire skills to analyze American History using primary and secondary sources  

Chapter objectives:

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • identify and analyze historical documents 
  • construct a personal connection to historical events 



Chapter 1 Thinking like a Historian outline



To Do List


In order to successfully complete the Module  for Chapter 1, please do the following:

  1. Attend: daily zoom specific times TBA.
  2. Take notes on chapter one : Slide show attached in this module. All notes must be hand written and turned in at the end of a chapter. You will upload a picture of your notes handwritten. 
  3. Complete Vocabulary: Use the online textbook and complete the vocabulary for chapter one. 
  4. Complete your Chapter One Outline: Use the notes and the online textbook to complete the outline for the chapter. 
  5. Participate: complete all classroom activities.
  6. Test: complete the test to the best of your ability. (Note: Canvas names all tests quizzes, although the assignment will appear as a quiz it will be weighted as a test.)